
4 Criteria VLookup in Excel

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4 Criteria VLOOKUP In Excel


This custom function can use the 1st 4 Columns of a table as matching criteria and return the nth column row to the right of the matching row range.

Function Four_Con_Vlookup(Table_Range As Range, Return_Col As Long, Col1_Fnd, Col2_Fnd, Col3_Fnd, Col4_Fnd)



Dim rCheck As Range, bFound As Boolean, lLoop As Long


    On Error Resume Next

    Set rCheck = Table_Range.Columns(1).Cells(1, 1)

    With WorksheetFunction

        For lLoop = 1 To .CountIf(Table_Range.Columns(1), Col1_Fnd)

           Set rCheck = Table_Range.Columns(1).Find(Col1_Fnd, rCheck, xlValues, xlWhole, xlNext, xlRows, False)

           If UCase(rCheck(1, 2)) = UCase(Col2_Fnd) And _

                UCase(rCheck(1, 3)) = UCase(Col3_Fnd) And _

                UCase(rCheck(1, 4)) = UCase(Col4_Fnd) Then

                bFound = True

                Exit For

            End If

        Next lLoop

    End With

    If bFound = True Then

        Four_Con_Vlookup = rCheck(1, Return_Col)


        Four_Con_Vlookup = "#N/A"

    End If

End Function


Function Four_Con_Vlookup(Table_Range As Range, Return_Col As Long, Col1_Fnd, Col2_Fnd, Col3_Fnd, Col4_Fnd)

''PRE EXCEL 2003


Dim rCheck As Range, bFound As Boolean, lLoop As Long, lRow As Long


    On Error Resume Next

    Set rCheck = Table_Range.Columns(1).Cells(1, 1)

    With WorksheetFunction

        For lLoop = 1 To .CountIf(Table_Range.Columns(1), Col1_Fnd)

            lRow = .Match(Col1_Fnd, Table_Range.Columns(1).Range("A" & lRow + 1 & ":A65536"), 0) + lRow

            Set rCheck = Table_Range.Columns(1).Range("A" & lRow)

            If UCase(rCheck(1, 2)) = UCase(Col2_Fnd) And _

                UCase(rCheck(1, 3)) = UCase(Col3_Fnd) And _

                UCase(rCheck(1, 4)) = UCase(Col4_Fnd) Then

                bFound = True

                Exit For

            End If

        Next lLoop

    End With

    If bFound = True Then

        Four_Con_Vlookup = rCheck(1, Return_Col)


        Four_Con_Vlookup = "#N/A"

    End If

End Function

Use like;
in any cell other than $A$1:$H$20

Where $A$1:$H$20 is the table range

6 is the nth column to return the matching row from.

"Apr",4,"Thu" and "Larry" are the 4 conditions to match is the 1st 4 Column


See also:

2 Criteria VLookup for Excel
3 Criteria VLookup for Excel
5 Criteria Vlookup for Excel


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