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Calculate a Person's Age in Excel

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Calculating a Person's Age in Excel Based on Their Birthday

See Also: Add/Take a Month to a Date || Day of Week || Week number || Excel Formulas Tips Tricks etc || Excel Calendar for Valid Dates

Calculate Age

We can use the formula below to return the age of any person in years, months and days. It makes use of the little known DATEDIF Function=DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"Y") & " Years, " & DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"YM") & " Months, " & DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"MD") & " Days"

Where A1 houses the person birthday in a true Excel date format. Although this works, it is good spreadsheet design to have only one occurrence of any volatile Function (TODAY() in this case) and reference it as needed. For example, place in any cell the formula: =TODAY() and Enter it. Now Name this cell : Today and then whenever you need today's date you simply reference today's date by referencing the named cell "Today". E.g.=DATEDIF(A1,TODAY,"Y") & " Years, " & DATEDIF(A1,TODAY,"YM") & " Months, " & DATEDIF(A1,TODAY,"MD") & " Days"

The syntax for the DATEDIF function is;

DATEDIF(Start _Date,End_Date,Unit)

Valid Units are any one of the formats below

"M", "D", "Y", "YM" (The months and years of both dates are ignored) ,"YD" (The days and years of both dates are ignored) and "MD" (The years of both dates are ignored).

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