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Deleting Excel Named Ranges


Excel VBA: Deleting Excel Named Ranges. Delete Dead Named Ranges

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Deleting Excel Named Ranges

As most reading this page will know, Excel provides many ways to create and use Named Ranges in Excel. However, when you have a lot of named ranges it is a tedious task to delete them all, or specific named ranges. In fact, the only way via the standard Excel interface is via Insert>Name>Define one at a time!

The 2 Excel VBA Macros below can be used to delete named ranges. Use the best suited one for your circumstance.

Delete Dead (#REF!) Excel Named Ranges

Sub DeleteDeadNames()

Dim nName As Name

    For Each nName In Names

        If InStr(1, nName.RefersTo, "#REF!") > 0 Then


        End If

    Next nName


End Sub

Delete Chosen Excel Named Ranges

Sub DeleteChosenNames()

Dim nName As Name

Dim lReply As Long

    For Each nName In Names

        lReply = MsgBox("Delete the named range " & nName.Name _

            & vbNewLine & "It refers to: " & nName.RefersTo, _

            vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "Ozgrid.com")


        If lReply = vbCancel Then Exit Sub

        If lReply = vbYes Then nName.Delete

    Next nName


End Sub

To use either of the above codes, go to Tools>Macro>Visual Basic Editor (Alt+F11) then go to Insert>Module. After pasting in the wanted code, go back to Excel proper and then to Tools>Macro>Macros and Run the chosen macro.

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