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Excel Scenario Manager to Project Various Outcomes

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Summary Reports

Excel will allow you to create a Scenario Summary Report or a Scenario PivotTable Report of your scenarios with relative ease. The Summary Report is always created on a new Worksheet within the Workbook and will list all of the input cells and their values. To do this:

  1. Select Tools>Scenarios
  2. Click on Summary to display the Scenario Summary dialog box
  3. Ensure that Scenario summary is selected under Report type
  4. Click OK

You will be presented with a Scenario Summary on a separate Worksheet within your workbook. Excel may or may not display the Result cells for you, depending on which version of Excel you are using.

Creating a Scenario PivotTable report works in the same way, except you MUST nominate your result cells for this type of report.  As a tip, the quickest and easiest way to do this is:

  1. Go to Tools>Scenarios>Edit
  2. Highlight any Scenario
  3. Select the cells under Changing Cells
  4. Select Ctrl + C
  5. Select Cancel, then Summary, then select Scenario PivotTable Report
  6. Click in Result Cells, then select Ctrl + V to paste in the values of the result cells.
  7. Select OK

Your Summary PivotTable Report will be presented to you on a separate Worksheet within the workbook.

Merging Scenarios

If you wanted to, you could bring together similar scenarios that you have set up in different Workbooks into your current Worksheet. This will only work however if the input cells are exactly the same as those nominated in your current Worksheet. Merging scenarios can be great for recycling and analysing a previous years set of figures with the current year, or you may have different areas within a company that can make use of the same scenarios. This can be done easily by following the following steps.

  1. Activate your current or default workbook
  2. Select Tools>Scenarios to display the Scenario Manager.
  3. Click on the Merge button and the Merge Scenarios dialog box will appear. If you are using the current workbook, there are no changes to make in the first box.
  4. Click in the second box Sheet: and highlight the name of the Scenario you wish to merge with.
  5. Click OK, but note before you do this that you have a message at the bottom of this dialog box telling you how many scenarios are in the source sheet that you selected.

You will be returned to the Scenario Manager and you should see both scenarios added together.

TIP: As an added tip, you can easily create Names for your cells and have them appear in lieu of cell addresses. This will make your scenarios easier to read and understand and is a simple process.

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