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Debug Excel VBA Macro Code


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No matter how good we become at writing VBA code, debugging is a fact of writing code. Even when our macros return no Runtime errors, we should TRY and force potential code errors.


Example Of Breakpoint in VBA Code
A selected program line at which execution automatically stops.

To add a breakpoint click the right grey margin within the Procedure at the point the execution should stop.


Example of a Runtime Error that requires debugging
Example of a Runtime Error that requires debugging

To quickly debug macros place your mouse insertion point anywhere in the Procedure and step-through using F8. Each line will be highlighted yellow as you step through. You can make changes and then drag the yellow highlight up/down to repeat/ommit lines.

After hitting debug the offending line is highlighted yellow
After hitting debug the offending line is highlighted yellow

You can hover your mouse pointer over variables, range objects etc and see their values.

Hover over Range Object and we can see A1 is text NOT a date
Hover over Range Object and we can see A1 is text NOT a date


Drag the yellow debug highlight up and fix code, then run again
Drag the yellow debug highlight up and fix code, then run again


Adding If IsDate to check cell data type fixes degbug error
Adding If IsDate to check cell data type fixes degbug error

Also see Immediate Window, Watch Window or Locals Window in the VBA help.

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