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OzGrid Excel and VBA Newsletter May 2007

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PivotTables are used to display and extract a variety of information from a table of data that resides within either Microsoft Excel or another compatible database type. PivotTables are frequently used to extract statistical information from raw data. You can drag around the different fields within a PivotTable to view its data from different perspectives.

This month I thought we would look at a really nifty feature of Pivot Tables – the ability to insert a calculated field. For example, if you had a pivot table set up, with an amount displayed in the Data Items area, you may wish to display the GST (tax) component of the Amount Owing so you can see it at a glance. 

First you need to create the pivot table.  In our list, we have Names in column A and Amount Owing in Column B.  We created a pivot table and moved the Names field to the Row area and the Amount Owing to the Data area.

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With our PivotTable created, it would be nice if we could see at a glance the GST component of each of the amounts owing.  We can do this by inserting what is known as a calculated field.  To do this easily, select PivotTable on the PivotTable toolbar (if this toolbar is not displayed, go to View>Toolbars and select PivotTable, or right click in the toolbar area of your screen and select PivotTable) then select Formulas>Calculated Field.  This will display the Insert Calculated Field dialog box.  The first thing we need to do is give our new field a Name.  We will call ours GST.  Now move to the Formula area and type in the following formula =’Amount Owing’/10, select Add, then Close.  This will insert a column to the right of the Sum of Amount Owing with the GST Amount displayed.  You can of course use any formula you like in a calculated field, however one important thing to remember about using formulas in calculated fields is that you cannot use Excel formulas that REQUIRE a range reference.

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The code below uses anInputBox to collect the users criteria so they can quickly and easily hide PivotTable Field Items by a criteria they specify.

The raw data that the Pivot Table is based on is 3 columns consisting of the Fields;

  1. Department (Row Field)

  2. Employee (Row Field & Data Field)

  3. Age  (Row Field & Data Field. Also the items that are hidden by criteria)

The Code to Hide PivotTable Fields (Age) Items by Criteria

Sub HideByCriteria()'Declare variables'SEE:'SEE: pt As PivotTable, pi As PivotItemDim lAge As LongDim strCri As String, strCri1 As String, strCri2 As StringDim bHide As BooleanDim xlCalc As XlCalculation    Set pt = Sheet4.PivotTables("PivotTable1")    'SEE:           strCri = InputBox("Enter your criteria for hiding employees by age." _            & Chr(13) & "Valid Criteria Examples:" _            & Chr(13) & "'>20' for ages above 20." _            & Chr(13) & "'>=30  <40' for ages equal to or above 30 but below 40.", "HIDE AGE")            'SEE:    'They Cancelled.     If strCri = vbNullString Then Exit Sub         'Remove any *excess* spacing     strCri = Trim(strCri)          'Speed up code.     'SEE:     'SEE:         'Set PT to manual update.     pt.ManualUpdate = True    'SEE:        'Get users calculation mode, go to manual & stop screen updating     With Application            xlCalc = .Calculation            .Calculation = xlCalculationManual            '.ScreenUpdating = False     End With        'Error trap for non valid criteria    On Error GoTo NonValidCriteria:    'SEE:        'Find out if between or single criteria.    If InStr(1, strCri, " ") = 0 Then 'Single        For Each pi In pt.PivotFields("Age").PivotItems        'SEE:        'SEE:            lAge = pi            bHide = Evaluate(lAge & strCri)            pi.Visible = bHide        Next pi    Else 'Between            'Get 1st criteria             strCri1 = Mid(strCri, 1, InStr(1, strCri, " ") - 1)            'Get 2nd criteria             strCri2 = Mid(strCri, InStr(1, strCri, " ") + 1, 256)        For Each pi In pt.PivotFields("Age").PivotItems            lAge = pi            bHide = Evaluate(lAge & strCri1) And Evaluate(lAge & strCri2)            pi.Visible = bHide        Next pi    End If        pt.ManualUpdate = False    With Application            .Calculation = xlCalc            .ScreenUpdating = True     End With        Exit SubNonValidCriteria:MsgBox "Your criteria is not valid", vbCritical     pt.ManualUpdate = False     With Application            .Calculation = xlCalc            .ScreenUpdating = True     End WithEnd Sub

The Code to Show All PivotTable Fields (Age) Items

Sub ShowAll()Dim pt As PivotTable, pi As PivotItemDim xlCalc As XlCalculation    Set pt = Sheet4.PivotTables("PivotTable1")    pt.ManualUpdate = True        With Application            xlCalc = .Calculation            .Calculation = xlCalculationManual            .ScreenUpdating = False '    End With            On Error Resume Next        For Each pi In pt.PivotFields("Age").PivotItems                    pi.Visible = True        Next pi                On Error GoTo 0  pt.ManualUpdate = False    With Application            .Calculation = xlCalc            .ScreenUpdating = True    End WithEnd Sub

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